ANNOUNCEMENT - We have closed down the production and distribution of our baked goods. You can no longer buy our products anywhere. If you have recently purchased a product under the assumption that it was WHOS, please report it to us at whosglutenfree@gmail.com
“What started as a dream, turned into a sweet reality.”
- Steph Wong, Founder
WHOS Gluten Free
When I started WHOS Gluten Free in Jersey City, the goal was to standout from the many generic gluten-free companies out there.
Fast forward several years later, we’re now found in several coffee shops and delis around New Jersey, sharing our love of gluten free food in our local communities.

From freshly baked cookies and cakes, to our popular bagels and bread loafs, love is put into everything we do at WHOS.
Our ingredients are hand-selected for freshness and quality, ensuring no cross contamination during the baking and cooking process.